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The official report of the special program just before the broadcast of “WIND BREAKER” has arrived! Starring Yuma Uchida, Shoya Chiba, Kouki Uchiyama, and Ryota SuzukiThe TV anime “WIND BREAKER” is being broadcast on 28 MBS/TBS stations “Super Animeism TURBO” from April 4, 2024 (Thursday).

Anime / Manga

The official report of the special program “TV Anime “WIND BREAKER” Opening Ceremony Just Before Broadcast” that was broadcast on “ABEMA” has arrived!

This program includes four main cast members, including Yuma Uchida (playing the role of Haruka Sakura), Shoya Chiba (playing the role of Akihiko Yusui), Kouki Uchiyama (playing the role of Kyotaro Sugishita), and Ryota Suzuki (playing the role of Toma Hiiragi). In addition to speaking extensively about the appeal of the work and how to prepare for the role, the actors also held a variety of game corners to entertain the audience.

This program was broadcast just before the first TV anime broadcast of the popular Yankee manga “WIND BREAKER.” First, let’s introduce the story and characters.

Chiba-san, who plays the role of Akihiko Nasui, a man who doesn’t fight well but is an honest and bright mood maker, talked about their roles while giving behind-the-scenes stories from the dubbing. I have a strong desire to change things, so I have the strength to push through.I have a deep-rooted desire to become strong, so I want to maintain that consistency as I play.” In addition, Suzuki, who plays the role of Touma Hiiragi, a hard worker who is always at the mercy of Hajime Umemiya, the representative of “Boufuurin” and is unable to let go of stomach medicine, although he is one of the best martial artists, said, In my mind, it was clear that Hiiragi's voice was the voice of the audition. I've been thinking about it since the beginning,'' he says, I have a hoarse voice, or rather, it’s low and strong, but I have a weak stomach, so it doesn’t have a firm feel…” He plays the role of Hiiragi, a martial artist and a hard worker. Let’s talk about the key points.

Mr. Uchiyama, who plays the role of Kyotaro Sugishita, who has a quiet personality and is extremely loyal to Umemiya, commented on Sugishita, saying, I've played a lot of silent characters, but this is the most silent character.'' . He continued, He’s a man of few words, so much so that I feel like he only says what he really wants to say, so I think I have to give each word a lot of importance on a different level than the characters I’ve played before. Sugishita is a quiet person, so he talks about the weight of his lines.

Meanwhile, there is also a scene in which Ms. Uchida, who plays Haruka Sakura, the main character who came to a super delinquent school to aim for the top in fighting, reveals an unexpected point of interest about Sakura. Mr. Uchida said that cherry blossoms have a delicate side behind their strength, but when asked what he wanted people to pay attention to, he unexpectedly answered, The part where they eat is cute!'' The three of them jumped out, and all three of them started tsukkomi. Afterward, Mr. Uchida talked about the charm of Sakura's gap, saying, Sakura’s good side is that she fights, but her honest heart is what makes her so good, so I’d be happy if people would pay attention to those moments of relief.” The three of them looked satisfied.

Other highlights include the friendly atmosphere at the dubbing site, where we really talk all the time (even during breaks),'' and the notable scene from the work where Suzuki says, I hope you’ll look forward to it.” etc. were also talked about.

In addition, in the program, there is a WIND BREAKER Preparation Quiz! Who will reach the top?!'' where you compete in a fill-in-the-blank quiz related to WIND BREAKER”, and you praise the designated person according to the rhythm of games from all over the world. Corners such as “Windbreak Bell/Praise Teamwork Check” will also be held.

In “Windbreak Bell/Praise Teamwork Check,” the four cast members responded, “Wow,” and “That’s tough…” to an embarrassing game in which they not only had to receive compliments from other cast members, but they also had to praise themselves. There are many voices of dissatisfaction. Meanwhile, when Mr. Uchiyama was nominated, he withstood many compliments such as, He has a great acting spirit,'' He gets in the mood,” and Has a lot of knowledge about movies,'' and even called himself kind.” The three of them were overjoyed as Mr. Uchiyama grumbled shyly. As a result, he was out early on the second turn, and Uchiyama was defeated, saying, I can't do this on my own!!'' However, that was not the end of it, and after that, three of my juniors teased me, saying, Isn’t this a wonderful project that will help you understand yourself?” On the other hand, why don't you just keep praising Mr. Uchiyama over Mr. Uchiyama?'' and Enough is enough.” “Yo! Let’s do it for everyone,” Uchiyama said in a rare tone, and the studio was filled with laughter.

The program, which continued in a friendly manner, came to an end in the blink of an eye, and the four members finally delivered a message to the viewers.

鈴木さん「これだけキャスト同士、仲良く楽しく収録させていただいています。その空気感が『WIND BREAKER』という作品の中にも落とし込めたら素敵なことだなと思いますので、ぜひ楽しんで見ていただけたら嬉しいです」

内山さん「『WIND BREAKER』の映像を見ていただくだけで、目がとっても楽しい作品になっております。今後キャラクターもたくさん登場しますので、お気に入りのキャラクターを見つけていただければと思います。よろしくお願いします」


内田さん「漫画で読んでいても、各キャラクターが生き生きと描かれていましたが、TVアニメでもより、このアニメーションの中をキャラクターたちが縦横無尽に駆け回っていて…そこで巻き起こるドラマに翻弄されながら“ボウフウリン”のみんなで歩んでいく姿に胸を打たれ、とにかく熱くなれる作品だなと思います。ぜひ皆さん、『WIND BREAKER』をいっぱい楽しんでください!」


なお本特別番組は、2024年4月11日(木)夜8時59分まで無料でお楽しみいただけます。また「ABEMA」では、『WIND BREAKER』を、4月4日(木)から毎週木曜日夜24時26分より、地上波同時・3日単独先行配信。「ABEMAアニメチャンネル」にて地上波同時放送するとともに、無料で3日単独先行配信を開始し、放送開始後1週間、最新話を無料でお楽しみいただけます。

さらに「ABEMA」では、『WIND BREAKER』渋谷ジャック記念のXキャンペーンを実施中。ハッシュタグ「#ウィンブレ」「#ABEMA」を入れてアニメの感想や渋谷ジャックの様子を投稿し、投稿数1,000件ごとに内田雄馬さん、千葉翔也さん、内山昂輝さん、島﨑信長さん(蘇枋隼飛役)、中村悠一さん(梅宮 一役)、鈴木崚汰さんら豪華キャスト陣の“ABEMAオリジナル”キャラクターボイスを公開いたします。

ぜひ「ABEMA」の特別番組やスペシャルなキャンペーンで、アニメの放送と一緒に『WIND BREAKER』の世界をたっぷりとお楽しみください。










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