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Reports on two special programs for “My Hero Academia” have arrived! Kouki Uchiyama & Akio Otsuka, Nobuhiko Okamoto & Yuki Kaji will be appearingOn Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 5:30 pm, the My Hero Academia channel, which is available for a limited time on Abema, will exclusively broadcast two programs in a row: an audio commentary program to coincide with the terrestrial TV broadcast of the seventh season of the TV anime, “My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 12 Simultaneous TV Terrestrial Broadcast Enemy Commentary,” and a special program to promote the release of the movie, My Hero Academia THE MOVIE YOUR NEXT, “My Hero Academia THE MOVIE YOUR NEXT Release Commemoration [Next is Us!] Live Special.”

The audio commentary was provided by Kouki Uchiyama and Akio Otsuka, while the live movie special was performed by Nobuhiko Okamoto and Yuki Kaji. The official reports for both programs have arrived.

First, we will deliver an audio commentary by Kouki Uchiyama and Akio Otsuka. While watching the battle between heroes and Tomura Shigaraki in episode 12 of season 7 (150th episode overall), the two excitedly exclaim, “Wow! So cool!” and “Mirio’s facial expressions change so much!”, and immediately begin talking, looking back on the story so far. When the pro hero Mirko appears, Otsuka asks, “Why wasn’t he an enemy villain? Everyone has the potential to be an enemy villain,” as if to invite him to become an enemy villain. Uchiyama also comments, “Hey! You always try to invite him,” remarking on All For One’s words in the anime, and then reveals his true feelings, saying, “We need better people to be our enemies,” which makes everyone laugh.

The two then talk more about “character creation” than the anime they are watching. In season 6, as All For One and Shigaraki Tomura’s consciousness merge, Shigaraki’s body is Shigaraki, so there is a scene where Shigaraki speaks in All For One’s tone. In order to get closer to All For One played by Otsuka, Uchiyama said, “I listened to Akio’s voice at home all the time,” and studied everything from intonation to breathing. Uchiyama asked questions about character creation, such as “How do you think about how to add intonation?” In the midst of this, Otsuka answered, “I’m not the type to create a character from scratch. Every human has a different face, so I feel like I call up a similar person inside me and make them act.”

Uchiyama also talked about the difficulties he faced in becoming All For One, saying, “I had an image of Akio as having a low, solid voice, but when I listened to him, he could also sing high notes. He also breathes deeply, so I was surprised that he could sing such a high note in one breath during a long line. That range of highs and lows made me think, ‘Wow, this is going to be difficult.'” Otsuka couldn’t help but say, “Sorry!” However, Uchiyama said that it was because of that research that he was able to play Shigaraki Tomura in the seventh season, where All For One’s personality is lurking.

Uchiyama said, “I tried to incorporate Akio’s atmosphere into the performance, such as changing the first person pronoun from “boku” to “ore” and the feeling of All For One and Shigaraki mixing together, so I think that aspect really comes alive in the play.” “It was an incredibly good experience! I learned so much,” said Uchiyama. Otsuka responded with a smile, “That’s good to hear!” and praised Shigaraki’s performance, saying, “Shigaraki is really powerful this time around too.”











続いて夜6時からは、放送前日に公開されたばかりの映画『僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ユアネクスト』を盛り上げる生特番を放送。岡本信彦さんと梶裕貴さんが「届けろ!30秒プレゼン」と題したコーナーで映画をPRするプレゼン対決に臨みました。ヒーローvs敵<ヴィラン>の全面戦争の影響で荒廃した社会に、突如現れたオールマイトにそっくりな謎の男・ダークマイトと、そのダークマイトの野望を阻止するべく戦う雄英高校1年A組の姿を描く、完全新作ストーリーが展開される本作。まず、初日動員数が26万人を突破し、シリーズ歴代1位の大ヒットスタートを切ったことが知らされると、岡本さんと梶さんは大感激で「皆さんのおかげです」「素晴らしいですね」と喜びを語ります。



そして番組の終盤には原作の完結に触れ「本当にお疲れ様です」と堀越先生を労った2人。梶さんは「これだけ多くの人が励まされて、勇気をもらっていたので、終わってしまうのは少し寂しいですけど」と寂しさを漏らしつつ、「でもアニメは映画も始まって、まだまだTVシリーズも続きますから!」「劇場版、みなさんたくさんの人に見ていただきたいです」と、続く岡本さんは「“ヒーローとは何か”ということをまざまざと見せつけてもらえる、エネルギーをもらえるそんな劇場版でございます。ぜひ劇場版もTVアニメの方もよろしくお願いします!」と視聴者へメッセージ。そして最後は“ヒロアカ”お馴染みの合言葉「更に向こうへ!“PLUS ULTRA”(プルスウルトラ)!」と叫び、大盛り上がりで番組は幕を閉じました。








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