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“Crayon Shin-chan: Our Dinosaur Diary” Interview with Yumiko Kobayashi, who plays Shinnosuke Nohara, and Shinobu Sasaki, the director | “If this movie fills a page in your summer vacation picture diary, nothing could make me happier””Crayon Shin-chan the Movie: My Dinosaur Diary” will be released on Friday, August 9, 2024.

In this 31st film in the series, dinosaurs are resurrected in modern times and wreak havoc in Kasukabe! Shiro and the Kasukabe Defense Force meet a tiny dinosaur named Nana, and the friendship that transcends the boundaries of life is depicted in this epic film that will have you laughing and crying.

To celebrate the release of the movie, Animate Times interviewed Yumiko Kobayashi, who plays Shinnosuke Nohara, and director Shinobu Sasaki! They talked about a lot of things, from the highlights of the movie to episodes from dubbing recording and memories of summer vacation.

–Could you tell us how the planning for this work began?

Director Shinobu Sasaki (hereinafter, Sasaki): The producer asked me, “Why don’t we make this movie about dinosaurs?” When I thought about how popular dinosaurs are, I realized that I loved dinosaurs when I was little, and they’ve always been popular. So I thought that a movie about dinosaurs would be exciting for kids. I had a premonition that “dinosaurs would be a big challenge in terms of animation,” but I felt very honored to be able to do dinosaurs in “Crayon Shin-chan.”

— Mr. Kobayashi, what did you think about the dinosaur-themed story of this film?

Yumiko Kobayashi (hereinafter, Kobayashi), who plays Shinnosuke: The combination of Crayon Shin-chan and dinosaurs has never been seen before. So when I received the script and saw the title, I was excited and thought, “Dinosaur Diary?! Finally, it’s here! Dinosaurs!!” and I thought, “Summer, dinosaurs, and Shin-chan all together, there’s no way it won’t be interesting!”

There are many funny moments typical of “Crayon Shin-chan”, and the last scene is very touching. I thought, “I’m definitely not going to cry!”, but I started crying when I read the script. This work is also something that both adults and children can enjoy, and I was really happy about that as an actor.

–What did Kobayashi pay attention to or keep in mind when playing Shinnosuke in this film?

Kobayashi: Just because it’s a movie, I didn’t want to make Shinnosuke “more heroic” or have a tense attitude. I was conscious of the idea that “Nohara Shinnosuke from the Nichijou (TV series) comes to the screen and goes on an adventure.”

For example, in the middle of the story, there is a scene where Shinnosuke hits the nail on the head of Angela (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu) and moves her heart, but I was careful not to make it too preachy. I wanted to make it so that Shinnosuke just said what suddenly came to his mind without thinking about anything, and Angela, who received Shinnosuke’s words, was hit to the heart.

–Maybe a casual remark is more likely to resonate with you.

Kobayashi: I have a 6-year-old son, and sometimes I realize from his casual words, “I see, so that’s what you think.” He didn’t think about it at all, just said it, but it hit me right to the core. So in this work, I tried not to give the words any deep meaning, and tried to make them sound natural, like they could be said without any deep meaning, so I went into the dubbing recording.

–What were the things you kept in mind and the points you focused on when making this film?

Sasaki: The Crayon Shin-chan series has a history of over 30 years. This is my first time working on such a historic series, so I was careful to avoid misinterpretations of the characters and the nature of the work.

So, while incorporating what I wanted to draw into the work, I also wanted to treasure the worldview of Crayon Shin-chan, and incorporate the opinions of the staff who have been involved with it up until now into the work as much as possible. I rewatched the previous movies and the TV series episodes that are related to this movie, and thoroughly reviewed them.

I love the TV series, so I wanted people to watch the TV series as well as the movie, and I wanted to include elements that would make fans of the TV series smile.

–While watching this film, I found myself laughing out loud at puns and gag scenes that I normally wouldn’t laugh at. I guess that’s also related to the continuation of the TV series.



更に言えば、笑うツボが年代によって違ってくるところもあると思います。以前、子どもと一緒に映画(『映画クレヨンしんちゃん もののけニンジャ珍風伝』2022年公開)を見ていて、「ちゃん・リン・シャン」(※1)というギャグシーンがあったんです。私はそのシーンで笑ったんですけど、子どもはポカーンとしていたので、「ちゃん・リン・シャンというのはね……」と説明しました。コミュニケーションのきっかけになりますし、親と子どものジェネレーションギャップを見終わった後で埋めていただく作業が楽しいと思います。

※1:1989年に発売されたシャンプー「SOFT IN 1」のCMに登場するキャチコピー。CM内で薬師丸ひろ子が「ちゃん リン シャン」(ちゃんとリンスしてくれるシャンプー)と語りかけるシーンが話題になった。





「あれはマサオくんしか出なくて、1個しかなかったんじゃないか? 誰得だ?」というものをマサオくんが引き当てるんですけど、そのシーンのマサオくんのエースぶりは、ぜひみなさんにガッツポーズをしながら観ていただきたいなと。









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