“Tasokare Hotel” is an escape adventure novel game series created by Benoma Rei and SEEC that focuses on solving mysteries and stories set in the “Tasogare Hotel,” a hotel that exists between life and death. The protagonist solves various incidents that occur in the hotel while helping the souls of people who cannot remember why they are there, whether they are alive or dead, or even their names, in their search for themselves.
The original work boasts a popularity that has exceeded 1 million total downloads worldwide, and has been loved since its release in 2017. In a reader survey conducted and announced in June 2022 by Anime! Anime!, “Which game would you like to see adapted into an anime? (First half of 2022)”, the game was ranked 13th in the same category.
The TV anime adaptation was announced during the “Talesokare Hotel Series New Information Live Streaming Special” livestream on YouTube on June 24th. The PV depicts the history of “Talesokare Hotel” and also expresses the appeal of the series in the anime, building up anticipation.
Animation production is handled by PR A under the direction of Kosui Kosuke. The cast includes familiar faces from the original work, such as Momokawa Rika as Tsukahara Oto, Sakai Kodai as Atori Haruto, Shirai Yusuke as Osoto Seisei, Yamamoto Kanehira as the manager, Nagano Yuki as Ruri, Sasamoto Natsue as Agate, and Narumi Takashi as Kiriko. Comments have also been received from Benoma Rei and SEEC.
The TV anime “Tasokare Hotel” will begin airing in January 2025. It will be interesting to see how the mysterious story of the unique characters, caught between life and death, will be visualized. Also, every Friday from June 28th to August 9th, character introduction videos will be uploaded to the official “Tasokare Hotel” YouTube channel and TikTok. Be sure to subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss out.
TV anime “Tasokare Hotel”
to air in January 2025
Tsukahara Neko (CV. Momokawa Rika)
Atori Haruto (CV. Sakai Kodai) Osoto Masao (
CV. Shirai Yusuke)
Manager (CV. Yamamoto Kanehira)
Ruri (CV. Nagano Yuki)
Agate (CV. Sasamoto Natsue)
Kiriko (CV. Narumi Takashi)
work: Rei Benoma, SEECDirector
: Kosuke
KosuiCharacter design/Costume design: Yuko HaribaChief
animation director: Yuko Hariba, Minefumi Harada, Yuki Yabuta, Fumiya
UeharaProp design: Michiko Otani, Yuki Adachi, Kiyomi Wada, Naoyoshi YoshimuraArt
setting: Maho Takahashi (the character for “taka” is pronounced “hashigodaka”)
Art director: Scott MacDonaldColor
design: Hiroko Umezaki2D
works: Keiko Onishi, Mamiko
Sato3D production cooperation: CapsuleDirector
of photography: Atsushi
KanoEditor: Keisuke YanagiSound
director: Takatoshi HamanoMusic
: Akira Tsuji, sugarbeansMusic
production: Flying DogAnimation
production: P.R.A.
(C) SEEC/Tasokare Hotel Production Committee
(C) SEEC Inc. All Rights Reserved