The “Macross” series is a robot anime series that has continued for over 40 years, starting with “The Super Dimension Fortress Macross”, which began broadcasting in 1982, and has expanded to TV anime, OVAs, and movie versions. The series is characterized by three elements: mecha action by the variable fighter “Valkyrie”, songs, and a love triangle love drama, and the content has been deeply loved for many years.
“Macross Delta” is the seventh work in the “Macross” series. The tactical music unit Walkure, which was born from this, ended its activities with the final live tour to be held in May 2023.
The final tour, “Walkure FINAL LIVE TOUR 2023 ~Last Mission~”, will feature 6 performances and approximately 74,000 people. The live album “W encore” commemorating the 1st anniversary of that touching event was just released on June 5th.
The encore costume exhibition was held to commemorate its release. In addition to the costumes exhibited last time, there were also newly added costumes, so I went to see them as soon as possible!
When you enter the venue, you will be immediately greeted by a panel of five Valkyries. Kaname Buccaneer is signed by Kiyono Yasuno, Makina Nakajima is signed by Nozomi Nishida, and Mikumo and Guinemer are signed by JUNNA!
Furthermore, on the left side of the gate is the jacket design for “W encore”, and on the right side is a new illustration drawn by Majiro, who is in charge of character design for “Macross Delta”, to commemorate the encore event! The characters are wearing encore costumes from “Last Mission”!
Of course, all of them are super cute, but you can’t help but notice their favorite characters. My recommendation is Makina. I would like you to take a close look at the photo taken above, but you can see that the T-shirt is pushed up to the chest and the underboob is visible. So outrageous and cute…!
Inside the gate, messages from the five voice actors of Valkyrie are displayed. Photography was prohibited here, so please come to the venue and see for yourself.
Once you pass through the gate, you will see a row of costumes that decorate the history of Valkyrie’s activities. The “Last Mission” encore costume that we were so excited about earlier is also perfectly displayed.
Even when I was watching from the audience seats, I thought it was cute, but when I looked at it from this distance, I could see that each member’s decoration was different, and I could feel the attention to detail that the costumers put into it.
There are also photos of the live performance at the back of the exhibition. Seeing the five of them singing happily brought back the emotions of that day and made my heart ache. There is also a report on the final performance of “Last Mission,” which ended with the excitement and emotion still high, so please take this opportunity to check it out as well.
Please note that the contents of the costumes on display may change during the period of this costume exhibition. Currently on display are Mikumo ΔJUNNA, Freya Δ Minori Suzuki, Sheryl, and others from the “Macross F and Δ Combination Kyoto Minamiza Kabuki no Banquet ~Mini Live & Kabuki Collaboration Talk~” held in January this year. This is the costume of the gnome starring May’n.
From June 21st (Friday), the “phantom” first pitch costume worn during the encore of “Walkure 2nd LIVE at Yokohama Arena ~Walkure ga Tomaranai~” will be available.
After passing through the costume space, you will come to the merchandise section. In addition to the items sold last time, we will also sell goods using this new illustration. Some items are randomly selected, so please adhere to the purchase limit and get your favorite! I wonder how many I should buy for Makina…
In addition, if you purchase over 3,300 yen (tax included) at the venue, you will receive a newly drawn postcard. Additionally, as a bonus for visitors, one randomly selected die-cut card from all five types will be presented. Quantities for both are limited, so if you want one, please come to the venue early!
Let’s take this opportunity to look back on the history of Valkyrie’s costumes♪
Macross Delta Valkyrie Costume Exhibition encore -Live costume archives-
Period: Friday, June 7, 2024 – Saturday, June 29, 2024
Business hours: 10:00-22:00 ( (Last entry time 21:30)
*Open from 15:00 on Friday, June 7, 2024 Open
from 10:00 to 18:00 on Saturday, June 29, 2024 (Last entry time 17:30) We will be open for business.
Price: Date and time specified admission ticket 800 yen (tax included)
(C) 1982,1984,1987BIGWEST