The story revolves around Reborn, a baby who is a hitman and tutor, and Tsunayoshi Sawada, a junior high school student who is ridiculed as a “badass”, and continues to fascinate many people even though the series has ended. At the time, there must have been many fans who admired elements such as the Italian language and rings.
The “flame of death” is an important element of this work. Currently, the Flame Attribute Diagnosis of Death'' is being held as a special project in conjunction with the original author Akira Amano's exhibition
Akira Amano Exhibition.” By answering a question, Reborn will diagnose your dying flame attribute from among seven attributes.
What became a hot topic this time was a post by Kenjiro Tsuda about his diagnosis results. The diagnosis result that was accompanied by the word “Oh my god…” was [Thunder]. Fans commented, As expected!'' and
I’m happy!” as the character has the same attributes as Lambo played by Mr. Tsuda (Mr. Tsuda is responsible for the voice of Lambo, also known as Adult Lambo, who uses a bazooka in 2010).
Click here for the diagnosis page
Click here for details on the Akira Amano exhibition