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“Go for it! Anpanman Baikinman and Ehon Lurun” public dubbing event report released | Aya Ueto and Takashi Okamura will be on stageThe anime movie “Soreike!” will be screened from June 28, 2024 (Friday). Anpanman Baikinman and Picture Book Lurun”.

Anime / Manga

Prior to its release, a public dubbing event was held on May 7th (Tuesday), with appearances by Aya Ueto and Takashi Okamura. This article introduces the official report.

◆Date: May 7th (Tuesday)

◆Location: Waseda Abaco Studio (2-3-18 AVACO Building 3F, Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)

◆Speakers (titles omitted): Aya Ueto, Anpanman, Baikinman, Takashi Okamura (Special appearance)

At the call from the MC, Aya Ueto and Takashi Okamura appeared, and Anpanman and Baikinman welcomed them on stage!

The event started in a peaceful atmosphere. This time, the movie “Soreike! When asked how he felt when he heard that he would be appearing as a voice actor in the latest Anpanman movie, Ueto said, I was really happy!Actually, I had been approached several times, but the timing wasn't right, so this time I finally did. I thought, I can do it!” I forgot to tell my kids, but I had saved the promotional video for the guest voice actors on my phone, and they found it on my phone and said, Mom, that's amazing!'' There was a huge uproar, and from then on, they watched it over and over again every day,” he said, adding that his family was overjoyed.

Okamura, who was acting as a voice actor for an animated film for the first time, said when it was decided that he would be cast in the role, It was my first time working surrounded by voice actors, so I thought, Is it really okay for me?” Probably. But just before I heard this story, I went to the Anpanman Children’s Museum, and I guess that led to the job,” he said, drawing laughter from the audience.

When asked about her child’s reaction, she said, Ever since the decision was made, every day before I go out, my child asks me, Is this the elephant’s job?” Most of the time, it’s not true (lol), but today I finally said, “That’s right.” Yo. “It’s the elephant’s job,” he said.When he says his lines at home, he says, “Run!” and runs away (lol).”He also shared a cute anecdote:

The two of them have a close relationship in their private lives, and they become parents and appear in the movie Soreike!''. When asked about co-starring in Anpanman,” both of them seemed deeply moved, but Okamura replied, Ayappe (Ueto) told me, I’ve decided to play Suitoru Zou.” I was kindly pressured to say, I’m looking forward to it” (lol)”, causing Ueto to laugh, and Ueto said, Are you going to do Okamu (Okamura) too? Yay! I was so happy! '' he recalled. Okamura then looked back at the time of dubbing and said, Suitor Zou was the last recording, and there was no one there, Anpanman wasn’t there either…”, which once again drew laughter from the audience.

They both revealed that they caught a cold just before recording, and Ueto said, I didn't know what to do, but I was like, Anpanman!” Baikinman! “While I was shouting, I gradually started to feel better,” he said with a grin.

Then, the public dubbing finally begins, and both Ueto and Okamura look nervous. Okamura muttered, “Be gentle…” and repeatedly checked his position, drawing laughter from the audience. After finishing the dubbing, Ueto confessed, I was nervous! It was scary...'' but Okamura said, (Ueto) was totally fine!” and added, “But I was also in front of such a large number of people. I was nervous,” he said.

Okamura also said, When I heard from my manager, Mr. Ueto finished recording the dubbing in one day, which was scheduled for two days,” I thought, “Why would someone in my family put such pressure on me?” (lol) But the director and I received a lot of advice from Mamoru Miyano, and I did my best while listening to it!”, he said, looking back on his performance.

In this work, we will introduce you to that Baikinman who gives you chills when you hear the words love and courage! A story about becoming a warrior of love and courage. When asked again about the appeal of Baikinman, Ueto said, “He does something cool, then gets embarrassed by himself for doing something cool and runs off somewhere. He’s that shy! At first glance, he’s a villain, but there’s something about him. I can’t hate him. He’s cute too!”, he said enthusiastically, and Baikinman was also very embarrassed.

また、岡村も「台本を読んで、ばいきんまんが主役なのか、と思ったが、妻も“これって神回じゃない? ”と言っていた。うちの子どもはよくばいきんまんのぬいぐるみを放り投げちゃっているが、この映画みたらそんな事できなくなるかも(笑)」と、会場を笑わせ、ばいきんまんの新たな魅力が楽しめる作品であることを力強くアピールした。


うがいもまだうまくできずパジャマを濡らしてしまうが岡村の子どものために上戸が“おやこでシャカシャカ♪アンパンマンピカピカはみがきミラー”を勧めるなど、会場はほっこりした雰囲気に。最後に岡村は「アンパンマンの世界を潰さないよう一生懸命頑張りました。ぜひご家族で劇場に足を運んでいただいて、ばいきんまんの活躍 、友情 、そしてルルンの頑張りを見届けてください。もしかして、ルルンの頑張りに“ウルルン”するかも?!」とアピールすると、上戸は「おかむーが全て言ってくれましたが、今回の映画は歴史が動いた凄い作品と、アンパンマンで育った私も思います。アンパンマンとばいきんまん、そしてルルンが力を合わせて絵本の世界を守る大冒険ストーリーです。大人もグッとくるシーンが詰まっているので、ぜひ皆さんもご家族で観に来てくださいね!」とアピールし、大盛り上がりの内にイベントは幕を閉じた。

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

