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Official report from the advance screening of the first episode of “The Story of the Girl Who Couldn’t Become a Wizard”! | Kana Hishikawa, Misuzu Yamada, Yukiya Hayashi, and Director Masato Matsune on stageThe original TV anime “The Story of a Girl Who Couldn’t Become a Wizard” (official abbreviation: “Mahonare”) will air in October 2024.

An original TV animation born from the original idea submission project “Project ANIMA”. Kurumi Mirai (CV: Hishikawa Kana), an innocent girl who dreams of becoming a wizard, and Yuzu Edel (CV: Yamada Misuzu), the daughter of a prestigious family that has produced wizards for generations, fail the entrance exam to the Letran Magic Academy’s <Class M, Department of National Magician Training>, a prerequisite for becoming a wizard. This is a youthful magic school fantasy about two girls who “couldn’t become wizards” but are polar opposites in terms of personality and upbringing, but who aim to become wizards from the same school’s <Class 1, General Course>.

This time, the official report of the advance screening of the first episode of this work has been released. Kana Hishikawa, Misuzu Yamada, Yukiya Hayashi, and Director Masato Matsune took the stage to talk about “Mahonare”!

After screening the newly completed first episode, the group shared their joy at having so many people watch it.

When Hishikawa asked the audience, who had just finished watching the film, “Did you enjoy the film?”, they responded with a huge round of applause. Director Matsune replied with joy, “There are a lot of stressful moments in life, aren’t there? There are a lot of things like exams, but seeing the audience during the screening is a huge pressure, and I get so nervous I want to go home, but I’m so happy that they’re able to watch it.”

When the topic turned to the beauty of the artwork, Hishikawa commented, “The background art and the watercolor-like colors are really beautiful. There’s a scene that I’m sure Misuzu will love!” Yamada responded by saying, “It’s the part where the pen turns into a walking stick. Hana knows that I love girls’ anime (laughs).” Yamada shared her impressions of seeing the finished version for the first time, to which the audience nodded in agreement.

When asked about the character Kurumi Mirai, whom she plays, Hishigawa said, “She’s a cheerful girl who puts her all into what she wants to do. After getting really happy, she’ll think, ‘No good…’ and then she’ll quickly go back to, ‘What should I eat for dinner today?’ (laughs) The drastic changes in her behavior make her like a protagonist.” She added, “I think you’ll be able to see more and more sides of Kurumi from now on, so I hope you’ll look forward to it.”

Yamada, who played the cool young lady Yuzu Edel, declared, “As you can see, she is a noble girl. In the first episode, you’ll be impressed by her coldness, but from episode 3 onwards… she starts to show her affection!” She continued, “She’s a prickly girl who is strict with herself and others. Because this is an original anime, I was nervous about whether Yuzu could really become a wizard, but I tried to find my own version of Yuzu. I hope everyone will watch with kind eyes and love her.”

Hayashi, who played Asuka, the twin brother of Kyo Kurumaruku (voiced by Kobayashi Chiaki), said, “In the first episode, all we know is that he’s a fashionista, but I think Asuka is the character whose impression changes the most throughout the series. I tried to play the role by amplifying the craziest part of me to the maximum.” Hishigawa added, “Now we can finally debate (which was a hot topic at the dubbing site) about whether we’re on Asuka’s side or Kyo’s side (laughs).”

Next, in reference to the fact that the series has many characters from a magic school, the topic turned to favorite characters. Yamada continued, “As Yuzu, I love Lemone and Micana. I even got a LINE message from Goto Saori, who plays Lemone, saying that there’s an event tomorrow,” to which he and Hishigawa enthusiastically called out to the camera, “Goto-san! Are you watching?!” Both Hishigawa and Director Matsune’s favorite characters are the Magic Research Club captain (voiced by Morino Mako) and vice-captain (voiced by Tachibana Ryumaru), who make their full appearance from episode 3.

菱川は「変なキャラなんですよ! いつもコンビでいるんですけど、会話がかみ合ってなくて。あの雰囲気は口では説明できないので、早く見ていただきたいです」。松根監督は「2 人とも収録のときには、自由に演じたあとで『……あってるのかな?』とチラッとこっちを見て(笑)。息ぴったりで、たのしいお芝居をしてくださいました」。林さんは「演じてらっしゃる土岐(隼一)さん含め、ドク・パパロッティが推しです。一緒に収録に入ったときは、後ろで笑いを堪えるのに必死でした」と、アフレコ時のエピソードも飛び出しました。


菱川さんは、「クルミってほんとにいろんな面を見せてくれるので、音響監督の岩浪(美和)さんにはは『もっとおじさんぽく』とか『濁点をつけてください』というディレクションがあって……(笑)。1 話の号泣するシーンも、『もっと汚く』と言われました。主人公だからかわいいんだけど、それに引っ張られないようにしないといけないのが難しかったですね。この先ももっと「ヴヴェッ」という音も出てくるので、音量を最大にして見てください」とアピールしました。


林さんは「まほなれのコメディなシーンがすごく好きで。台本をもらうたびに、文字だけでも笑っちゃうくらいおもしろいんです。それをさらに現場で役者さんたちがどれだけおもしろくしてくれるんだろう!?と、自分も楽しみながら演じました。アスカも第 1 話ではわからないですが、おもしろいキャラクターになっていますのでぜひご期待ください」山田さんは「途中段階のものは見てたんですけど、今日皆さんと同時に見たことで一緒にたのしむことができました。これからお話が進んでいくと、クルミとユズのいろいろな苦悩も出てくるのですが、『まほなれラジオ』もありますし、一緒に学校生活を楽しんでいただきたいです」

最後に菱川さんは、「本日は雨日和でしたが、ありがとうございました。1話最高でしたよね! 個人的なことなのですが、わたしはコロナ禍で学校生活をあまり楽しめなかった世代なので、『まほなれ』のアフレコ現場がわたしの青春でした。どんどん盛り上がっていく『まほなれ』を楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。皆さん本日は本当にありがとうございました!」と作品に掛ける思いを締めのあいさつとし、イベントは幕を閉じました。

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