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On the first day of the Overlord: Holy Kingdom arc, a stage greeting was held, with Hino Satoshi, Hara Yumi, Kato Masayuki, Aoyama Yoshino, Nabatame Hitomi, and Seto Asami appearing on stage! The voice actors confessed for the first time what they were doing for the first time.The anime “Overlord” is based on the popular novel by Maruyama Kugane, which has sold over 14 million copies in total. The first completely new movie in the series, “Overlord: Holy Kingdom Arc”, is currently showing nationwide at TOHO Cinemas Hibiya and other theaters.

To commemorate the completion of the movie, an opening day stage greeting was held on Friday, September 20th. Hino Satoshi, who plays Ainz, Hara Yumi, who plays Albedo, Kato Masayuki, who plays Demiurge, Aoyama Yoshino, who plays Neia Baraja, Nabatame Hitomi, who plays Remedios Custodio, and Seto Asami, who plays Shizu Delta, appeared on stage. They talked extensively about the joy of the movie’s release, highlights, their favorite characters, and stories from the recording studio.

▲ From the left: Yumi Hara, Masayuki Kato, Satoshi Hino, Yoshino Aoyama, Hitomi Nabatame, and Masami Seto

After the screening, Hino stood in front of a packed audience and looked back on the 10 years since the anime series began. He said, “This is a completely new work for Overlord, and we made it with gratitude to all of you who have always loved it, so it’s very moving to be able to deliver it to you in this way.”

Hara also mentioned that Overlord-related events will be taking place almost every day, including the pre-release program the day before the film’s release and the stage greeting tour over the weekend, and said with a smile, “There are so many fun things to do, and I’m really happy that even after 10 years I can still spend such a fun time with everyone.”

Furthermore, during the promotional period before the release, spoilers about the film were not allowed, so Kato said that he was unable to say what he wanted to say. He seemed impressed, saying, “Now that I can finally see the faces of the audience and talk about all sorts of things without any reservations, I feel a sense of relief.”

Seto continued, “It’s been 10 years since the anime began, and I didn’t appear much in the TV series, but I was told I’d have an active role in the movie, so today I’m really happy that everyone can watch it.” He seemed to be savoring his joy.

Aoyama, who is taking part in the series for the first time with this production, seemed deeply moved as he said, “I’ve known the title for 10 years, so I never thought I’d be involved in the film, and I’m very happy to be able to stand here (to speak on stage).”

Nabatame, who played the role of Remedios, who discriminates against the undead and demi-humans, analyzed herself, saying, “I guess I don’t have such a bad personality, and I’ve been told that I can’t play villains because my true self comes out, but this time I played a role that took her sense of justice to the extreme, so maybe that’s why she appeared evil.”

Namatame was worried that the audience would dislike her because she plays a character who is harsh to the main characters, but when he asked the audience, “Who thinks that Remedios isn’t evil, but is actually a pitiful character?”, many hands went up. Namatame seemed pleased that the audience seemed to accept her more favorably than he had expected.

As this is the first theatrical release in the series, the cast was asked on the day to “confess something that is new to you.”

First, Kato announced, “It was my goal and my dream to have my name at the end of the credits in the movie’s end credits.” The fact that he was able to make that dream come true was a joy in itself, but the fact that it came true for “Overlord,” which Kato himself loves, made him even happier.

Next, Hino confessed, “I turned 46 this year, and it’s finally here… I have farsightedness,” causing a roar in the hall. Hino says she’s always had good eyesight, but she would try on reading glasses and have fun trying out different ways to see. Kato then chimed in, saying that it’s common for veteran voice actors to move the script back and forth to adjust the focus, and the cast got excited talking about farsightedness. When the younger cast members seemed surprised and asked, “So that’s farsightedness,” Hino laughed and said, “It’ll come someday.”

Meanwhile, Hara reported that she had a chance encounter with the original author, Maruyama Kugane, at the Overlord Exhibition currently being held at Tokyo Solamachi. Hara ended up touring the exhibition with Maruyama, listening to the author’s commentary directly, and even had the chance to have Maruyama act as the photographer at a photo spot. Looking back on this dream-like surprise, she said, “It was a truly happy Overlord Exhibition.”




















キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督:田﨑 聡








音響監督:郷 文裕貴











アインズ:日野 聡

アルベド:原 由実





ケラルト:戸松 遥




「オーバーロード」(KADOKAWA刊) 著:丸山くがね イラスト:so-bin

1~16巻 好評発売中!



漫画:深山フギン 原作:丸山くがね キャラクター原案:so-bin

1~最新19巻 好評発売中!

COMIC “Overlord <New> World Arc”

Manga: Matsuki Original: Maruyama Kugane Character design: so-bin

Currently being serialized in Kadokomi CACC!

オーバーロード<新>世界編|カドコミ (コミックウォーカー)
カッツェ平野での戦いを制し、魔導国を建国したアインズが目指す理想郷――それは永久に繫栄し数多の種族がアインズに跪く世界。その実現の第一歩として、冒険者組合を強大化し国家に組み込むべく帝国へと向かう。その裏では、魔導国を巡る各国の思惑が蠢き始めており…!? アインズの覇道、再び!

■Official spin-off

“Oh! of the Immortals” (Published by Kadokawa Comics Ace)

Manga: Juuami Original story: Maruyama Kugane Character design: so-bin Volumes

1 to the latest 12 are on sale now!

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

