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“Wonderful Precure! The Movie! A thrilling adventure in the world of games!” Maria Naganawa and Atsumi Tanezaki will appear on stage to commemorate the release! They will talk about their feelings about the release and the exploits of the Precure series so far.The latest movie based on the TV anime “Wonderful Precure!”, “Wonderful Precure! The Movie! A Thrilling Adventure in the Game World!”, has been released nationwide since Friday, September 13th!

On Saturday, September 14th, a special stage greeting was held at Marunouchi TOEI. Voice actors Maria Naganawa, Atsumi Tanezaki, Hayate Matsuda, Reina Ueda, and Takuma Terashima appeared on stage, along with guest voice actors comedy duo JaruJaru (Junpei Goto and Shusuke Fukutoku). Five characters from “Wonderful Pretty Cure!” (Cure Wonderful, Cure Friendy, Cure Nyamie, Cure Lillian, and Satoru Usayama) also attended.

On the day of the film’s release, it was revealed by surprise that Usayama Daifuku, the rabbit partner of Usayama Satoru, would be speaking , and that the voice would be provided by voice actor Nakamura Yuichi , and the film has been met with a huge response on social media.

The stage greeting to commemorate the release took place amidst the excitement of the event. Once the cute stage, which was designed to resemble the world of the game that appears in the movie, was ready, guest voice actors JaruJaru took the lead, followed by Maria Naganawa, Atsumi Tanezaki, Hayate Matsuda, Reina Ueda, and Takuma Terashima from “Wonderful Pretty Cure!”, each with their own character.

The excitement of the screening had not yet died down, and the audience was filled with loud cheers and applause as each member introduced themselves and gave a speech. JaruJaru, who played original characters in the movie, also greeted the audience with a laughter-inducing speech, with Fukutoku, who likened Goto to the character, saying, “Hello, it’s Goto from JaruJaru! I’ll do my best alone today.” First, when the MC asked them how they felt about the release of the movie, each member gave the following comment.

Naganawa : “I’ve talked a lot about the appeal of the movie in interviews, but I’m really happy that I can finally talk about it all without worrying about spoilers. I’m really happy to see the cuteness of Komugi and Yuki, which can only be seen in the movie, and the tiny PreCure that can only be seen with CG.

Tanezaki : “I’ve been talking about how cute Komugi is and how hard she works in various places, and I’ve always wanted lots of people to see it, so I’m really happy. I think that if you watch it, you’ll come to love not only Komugi, but also “Wonderful Pretty Cure!” even more.

Matsuda : “When I saw ‘Pretty Cure All Stars F’ last year at the cinema before I had played Cure Nyami, I was excited to see that it would be released in 2024. Now that I’m able to see that so many people are actually watching it, I feel happy to be a Pretty Cure. Also, I hope everyone will enjoy seeing Yuki and Komugi, who were both pricks in the movie, joining forces.

Ueda : “In the movie, Yuki was just as cute as Komugi, and she did her best. Seeing Komugi and the others clear the game, Ueda and Mayu were happy, and I was moved by how far they had come. Mayu also has words that come out of her having experienced many things and grown up, and the movie is full of the essence of “Wanpuri” in many ways, so I hope you will enjoy it over and over again.”

Terashima : “As an anime otaku, I feel that this is a work that will definitely be enjoyed and praised by many people. Our Daifuku did his best, didn’t he? Above all, his voice is cute! I think he must be very happy. Satoru’s incredible support from the outside is also portrayed, and there was a surprising transformation, so it was very moving to be able to become a comrade who faces the challenge together.

JaruJaru : “We appeared in more scenes than we expected right from the beginning, which may have confused some people. Our voices are too JaruJaru-like, so we were a little worried about whether we were able to fully immerse ourselves in the world of PreCure, but we hope people will look at it with kind eyes and love Ponta and Pokota.”

This series also sees the development of new charms for Komugi and Yuki that were not seen in the TV series, such as running and dancing on two legs.

















⼀体どうしてこんなことに…? ゲームの世界に隠された秘密ってなに…?手がかりはゲームをつくった少女・ナツキが握っていて――。










撮影監督:大島由貴 佐々木果南



わんだふるぷりきゅあ!ざ・むーびー!製作委員会:東映アニメーション 東映 ABCアニメーション バンダイ ADKエモーションズ マーベラス







長縄まりあ 種﨑敦美 松田颯水 上田麗奈

関根明良 加隈亜衣 村瀬歩 七瀬彩夏 古賀葵

高橋李依 堀江由衣 早見沙織 齋藤彩夏

寺島拓篤 立花慎之介 / 花澤香菜 三宅健太




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