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The difficulty of love as seen in Lemon’s love story – Part 5 of the “There Are Too Many Losing Heroines!” series: An interview with Shion Wakayama (role of Yakishio Lemon)Lose and shine, girls! McCain and friends’ crazy youth story of defeat The TV anime “There are too many losing heroines!” is getting really popular!

Yakishio Lemon was dumped without even confessing his feelings to the man he loved, who said, “I have a girlfriend.” But then Lemon and Ayano Mitsuki are suspected of cheating? Asagumo Chihaya, Nukumizu, and Yanami investigate. The feelings each of them had are revealed. We asked Wakayama Shion, who plays Yakishio Lemon, to talk about episodes 5 to 7, which are heartbreaking when you think about Lemon’s feelings.

–As part of the pilgrimage project “I Came to Meet the Losing Heroine!”, you went to the Toyohashi City Underground Resources Museum.

Shion Wakayama (hereinafter, Wakayama): The subtitles were perfectly placed, which made it even more interesting, so I was grateful! (laughs) At first, I thought it was a place where children could learn in a fun way, but there were also displays of various minerals such as amethyst, so I realized it was a facility that adults could enjoy as well.

-Is it perfect for a date?

Wakayama: It’s cool, so maybe there’s a chance (laughs). Maybe a planetarium would be okay? But for a typical high school girl, movies, shopping, or a cafe might be better.

–As for the anime itself, it seems like more and more people are becoming hooked on this work, but have you received any positive feedback?

Wakayama: That’s something I don’t know because I don’t use social media. But I’ve heard from a lot of people that it’s really popular. There were a lot of tough scenes for Lemon in episode 6…

–The fourth episode was serious, then the fifth episode was full of laughs, and then the sixth episode was serious, so it was like a rollercoaster ride, and it was a big hit on social media.

Wakayama: I’m very happy to hear that. During the recording, I carefully created the emotions and recorded it with multiple retakes, so I’m glad that it came across!

–The Lemon episode was surprisingly serious.

Wakayama: That’s right. Lemon-chan is a silly, cute, wild child, but contrary to that image, the story was serious and very delicate.

–It’s been a while since our last interview, so I’d like you to look back on the story a bit. In episodes 3 and 4, Komari (Chika) confesses her feelings to Director Tamaki (Shintaro) but gets rejected.










若山:ここまで、八奈ちゃん(八奈見)のおかげで、シリアスな部分もシリアスになりすぎず、コメディを交えながら楽しく見られていたんですが、その八奈ちゃんがふざけずに感情を出していましたもんね。でも私は、袴田くんに対してはめっちゃ思うところがあるんですよ! これは女の子ならば誰でも思うと思うんですけど、「お前何なの!」って感じでしたよね!


若山:「新しい恋が見つかればいいと思って」って何? お前、誰なの!?って……すみません、口が悪くなってしまいました。誰かほかの人と付き合うのは仕方がないと思うんです、好き同士なら。ただ、自分のことを好きだった幼馴染を置いて、自分が他の人と結ばれたからって、八奈ちゃんに誰かと結ばれてほしいって、それは君のエゴだよ!と思っちゃいますね。でも、最終的に自分の間違いを認めて、謝れるところが、八奈ちゃんが好きになっちゃうところなのかなと思いました。


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