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Introducing all the information about Haruki Nakayama from “Given”! We’ll explain everything from his profile and personality, his approach to music and love, to notable scenes!”Given” is a youth drama centered around the members of a rock band, drawn by Kizu Natsuki. It was serialized in Shinshokan’s “Cheri+” from 2013 to the May 2023 issue, and is currently being serialized as “Given 10th Mix,” a story that depicts the story 10 years after their high school days.

“Given” has many fans as a supreme BL work, and in 2024, the final story of the main story will be released as a two-part movie, making it a year of endless topics. To commemorate the release of the final chapter, “Given: To the Sea,” which will be released on September 20th, we will introduce the profiles and personalities of the main characters, as well as notable scenes.

*This article contains spoilers.

Bassist of the band “Given”

(Fujigen Neo Classic Series Jazz Bass)

Birthday: July 13th (22 years old, graduate student)

Star sign: Cancer

Blood type: O

Height: 178cm

His family consists of his father, mother, and two older sisters. He’s like an older brother to everyone in the band, but surprisingly, he’s the youngest at home.

Since he started working with “Given,” he’s a good-natured guy who takes on all the small tasks, like managing social media and registering for live shows. That said, he’s also the oldest and the leader. When Mafuyu and Ritsuka got into an argument right before a live show, he calmly and coolly settled the situation, giving them the push they needed to move forward. He’s someone you can rely on at any time.

When the band’s original vocalist disappeared and the band’s activities were in jeopardy, Haruki met Ritsuka, who was having a dispute with her band members. “I’d let the band run a little more comfortably,” he thought, feeling that it was a waste for Ritsuka, who was not blessed with many members. Just

when he was thinking that if only there was a drummer in addition to himself on bass, he could invite her to join the band, Akihiko, who happened to be sitting next to him in the same lecture, happened to have a snare drum. Haruki mustered up his courage and called out to him. From there, the three of them – Ritsuka, Akihiko, and Haruki – formed a band called “the Seasons,” which would become “Given.” For Haruki, it was truly a miracle.

Then Mafuyu joined the group and they formed “Given”. Mafuyu has an overwhelmingly good voice, and Ritsuka is a genius who can compete with original songs. Akihiko is a genius who can do anything, but he’s a jack of all trades and master of none. Among them, Haruki says he’s just an ordinary person. However, Akihiko says he’s a “mediator” that everyone needs.

When Haruki saw Akihiko at university about two years ago, his body trembled the moment their eyes met. It was love at first sight. And ever since he fell in love with Akihiko, he has continued to grow his hair. Haruki says it was like a prayer, but perhaps he didn’t want to lose the interactions he had with Akihiko, who loved to touch his hair and complimented him on how

cute it was when he had a unique hairstyle. Haruki thought it was enough to just love Akihiko one-sidedly, but after hearing Mafuyu’s song at a live concert and perhaps resonating with the feeling of loneliness, Haruki began to feel lonely about his unrequited love. Playing in a band with Akihiko is fun. But it’s more painful than that.

Just as Haruki is feeling guilty after being invited to support his ex-girlfriend’s band, Akihiko, who has had an argument with his roommate Ugetsu and has nowhere to stay, comes to visit him, relying on Haruki. Akihiko, who realizes he is hiding something, confronts him and Haruki confesses his intention to support him, and in his irritation, he tries to get physical

with him. Even though Haruki doesn’t want to be intimate like this, his body remains motionless and he goes along with it. Meanwhile, Akihiko looks distressed, even though he was the one who initiated it. Seeing this, Haruki says to Akihiko, “I’ll do anything for you,” but he replies, “There’s nothing you can do.” At the time, Akihiko is tormented by his feelings for Ugetsu.

Haruki lets Akihiko stay at his house, and then says he’s going to a friend’s house and leaves. He then asks Take-chan to cut off the hair he’s been growing for so long. By cutting her hair, she tries to break away from her long-held feelings for Akihiko.

Haruki is in a bad mood after being dumped by Akihiko. He is the only one who is struggling with music and other things, and he becomes self-deprecating when he feels miserable. When Haruki blurts out that he isn’t needed in the band, Akihiko responds, “Someone has to support a genius, and I’ve been telling you for a while that we need you, haven’t I?!” Akihiko’s words hit Haruki right in the heart, and the suffocating feeling and sense of alienation that had been rising inside him disappears.

Although Akihiko had pushed Haruki to the depths of despair, he pulled him back up and they ended up living together. As they lived together, Haruki saw a side of Akihiko he had never known before, and in the end, he was unable to bring himself to hate him.







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