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Kamiya Hiroshi, Fukuyama Jun, Terashima Takuma, Yasumoto Hiroki and others confirmed to appear in the movie “Binan Koukou Chikyu Boeibu ETERNAL LOVE!” Comments from the cast have arrived放送10周年を迎える『美男高校地球防衛部LOVE!』。そのシリーズ最新作として2025年冬にオール新作カットで公開される劇場版『美男高校地球防衛部ETERNAL LOVE!』に、神谷浩史さん、福山潤さん、寺島拓篤さん、安元洋貴さんの出演が決定しました!


It has been announced that Hiroshi Kamiya, Jun Fukuyama, and Takuma Terashima, who played the Earth Conquest Club members of the Binan High School Student Council in “Binan High School Earth Defense Club LOVE!”, as well as Hiroki Yasumoto, who played Zunder, will appear in the movie “Binan High School Earth Defense Club ETERNAL LOVE!” Comments have been received from each cast member regarding their appearance.

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the Earth Defense Club series! Eh… 10 years…? What’s that? That’s scary… Time flies…

Anyway, I’m glad that Mugihito and Director Takamatsu are doing well! I’m doing well too! We recorded the movie version with great energy! I’m sure that if you watch it, you’ll forget about your daily worries and fatigue and feel energized! Thank you!

The Earth Defense Club series is already celebrating its 10th anniversary?! And a movie version?! That’s crazy lol

Well, let’s take a bath and calm down for a while. Hmm. I’m sure it will be the same as usual lol

Everyone, are you okay with the hot water?

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! I feel like I received a strong message that the glow of love hasn’t faded in those 10 years, and that love is eternal.

However, the Defense Club is still a mess (lol). I got a great laugh out of them first!

This is a movie that will give you a visual experience that will surprise, confuse you, thrill you, make you laugh, and get you excited!

Thank you to those who continued to love me, those who reminded me of the brilliance of love, and those who discovered new love. The Defense Club is great!!

10th anniversary… Time flies. The fresh members from the early days have grown into fine members, and it’s quite moving.

No, maybe not? Hmm? What do you think? What do you think? What do you think, Da? Da. So, I have mixed emotions, like I’m happy but also scared, about meeting Mr. Zunder again (laughs).

I pray that this will be a powerful work that will be loved for the next 10 years, too, darling. I will also put in my effort, darling. I want you to look forward to it, darling.

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