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The set list is rich in variety, including songs that have never been performed live, making it a huge success! “VAZZROCK LIVE 2024” daytime performance report, where the 12 members of VAZZY & ROCK DOWN put the power of each bond weaved into songs“VAZZROCK LIVE 2024” was held on Sunday, May 26, 2024 at FOSTER Hall (Akishima Civic Hall).

“VAZZROCK” is a content series depicting the activities of two units, “VAZZY” and “ROCK DOWN,” who debuted from the 2.5-dimensional entertainment production company “Tsukino Entertainment Production.”

In this article, we will report on the daytime performance of “VAZZROCK LIVE 2024”, which featured many songs that were performed for the first time live, such as “VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION” and duet songs from the bi-color 4th season.

[VAZZY] Tarusuke Aragaki, Yusuke Kobayashi, Mahiro Yamanaka, Yusuke Shirai, Tsubasa

Sasa, Shun Horie [ROCK DOWN] Yukitoshi Kikuchi, Yoshiaki Hasegawa, Takuya Sato, Yasuto Saka, Takuya Masumoto, Keisuke Kawamoto

After the venue went dark and the opening movie was played on the screen, VAZZY’s Tarusuke Aragaki (voice of Takaaki Maniya), Yusuke Kobayashi (voice of Oka Kira), Mahiro Yamanaka (voice of Ichisa Tsuki), Yusuke Shirai (voice of Futaba Tsuki), Tsubasa Sasa (voice of Naosuke Oyama), and Shun Horie (voice of Yuma Shirase) will appear.

Amid loud cheers, each member, dressed in smart black and purple costumes, raised their fists and enthusiastically sang their unit song “Fly High.” While feeling a sense of nostalgia and elation as the atmosphere was dyed in the colors of “VAZZROCK,” “ROCK DOWN” appeared next.

Yukitoshi Kikuchi (playing Sho Onoda), Yoshiaki Hasegawa (playing Yuto Kujikawa), Takuya Sato (playing Reiji Amaha), Yasuto Saka (playing Ayumu Tachibana), and Masumoto wearing gorgeous white and pink costumes. Takuya (voice of Gaku Daikoku) and Keisuke Kawamoto (voice of Luka Nazumi) will sing the unit song “Asterism⁂”, increasing the excitement in the venue.

“VAZZROCK LIVE 2024”, which opened with the songs of each unit, was the first live performance after the broadcast of the TV anime “VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION” and the first live performance in which vocalization was allowed, so the cast members gathered on stage were excited. state.

As each person talked about their enthusiasm for the live performance, Mr. Hasegawa’s vocal lecture began with, “When it comes to vocalizing Bazurai…!” The familiar call and response of “Buzz!” and “Rock!” filled the venue with a sense of unity.

As if to further increase the excitement, the solo song part started. Mr. Aragaki, who is the top batter for Takaaki Maniya’s “Follow Me,” mesmerizes the audience with his choreography in harmony with the dancers, and then passes the baton to Mr. Kobayashi.

Mr. Kobayashi sang Kira Ohka’s Blinding Lights'' with full expression in his clear singing voice, and Mr. Kikuchi, taking turns, created the worldview of the song with Sho Onoda'sF Ballad” together with the two dancers. .

Mr. Hasegawa passionately sings “Passion Groove!” by Yuto Kujigawa while being surrounded by a shining blue sign light, Mr. Shirai sings “Shiawasenokatachi” by Futaba Tsuki with cute choreography, and Mr. Shirai sings with a sharp gaze and powerful voice. Mr. Yamanaka’s unique performance continued with his singing voice singing Issa Tsuki’s “Escape.”

Mr. Sato, entrusting himself to the emerald lighting, trembled with a sexy singing voice during Reiji Amaha’s “Illusion x Kiss,” and Mr. Saka passionately and coolly expressed his core strength and conviction during Ayumu Tachibana’s “Stay.”

Sasa energetically sang Naosuke Oyama’s “Smile agaein,” demonstrating VAZZROCK’s best athleticism with his energetic dance. Mr. Horie began singing in a relaxed atmosphere, captivating the audience with his heart-melting falsetto of Yuma Shirase’s “Lucida.”

Ms. Kawamoto appeared with a pink sign light and sang Luka Nazumi’s Daijobu'' freely with the dancers. As the elegant sound echoed through the venue, Mr. Masumoto sang Daikoku Gaku'sHana no Hide” and performed a powerful Japanese performance. The audience cheers loudly with the variety of solo song parts.

While soaking in the afterglow of the turbulent solo song part, we move on to the special corner “Tell Me! Buzz Like Questions” where Mr. Yamanaka and Mr. Shirai, also known as the Chiku brothers, will be in charge of MC. In advance, we will be answering questions asked by fans on SNS, “What they would like to ask the members of VAZZY&ROCK DOWN.”

As the members answered the question, “What’s an interesting story that happened during practice?”, before we knew it, we were backstage talking. The way the members enjoy talking about what’s going on in the dressing room feels typical of Bazurai.

Mr. Aragaki shared an episode that made him feel strongly that he had returned to his home called “VAZZROCK”. When they entered the dressing room at the last minute on the day of the concert, one person was eating lunch and the other was staring into the distance, and only Yamanaka-san greeted him. He said with a smile that he felt that “this is VAZZY” because of the way he worked at his own pace, creating a friendly atmosphere.

When asked, “Who among the members would you like to talk to more about?” Mr. Kobayashi expressed that he would like to talk more with Mr. Horie, and Mr. Hasegawa and Mr. Sato hit it off by wanting to explore more of Kikuchi’s interesting side. There was also a scene where a fresh conversation unfolded.

In “Tell me something to change your mood!”, Mr. Hasegawa talked about his hobby of motorcycles and got excited with his fantasy of “riding around on a motorcycle in live costumes.”

I couldn’t stop laughing at the scene where the younger brother (Mr. Shirai, playing the role of Futaba) tries to get the conversation going before it gets out of control, and the older brother (Mr. Yamanaka, playing the role of Ichisa), who has forgotten that he is the MC, makes a tsukkomi. lose.

Next, when asked, “What do you wear when you sleep?”, each of them introduced their own pajamas. Staff members talk about their commitment to using T-shirts as pajamas and changing their pajamas depending on the season.

When Mr. Sato confessed that he slept wearing the pants and T-shirt that Mr. Hasegawa and Mr. Masumoto gave him the day before the concert, it was discovered that the other cast members had also received the pants from Mr. Hasegawa for their birthdays, which caused a lot of laughter. The venue is surrounded by

次から次へと飛び出してくるVAZZY&ROCK DOWNの仲睦まじいエピソードに、客席も自然と笑みが溢れ、メンバー間の掛け合いを楽しみます。


天羽玲司&立花 歩の「Go Crazy」では、佐藤さんと坂さんがこれまで築き上げてきた関係性を表すかのように向かい合いながら歌う姿も。お互いに前を向いて歩んでくという気持ちが、伝わってくるようなパフォーマンスに客席からの歓声も大きくなります。

大山直助&白瀬優馬の「Hello My Dear」では、ハイタッチをしたり、客席に笑顔を向けたりと明るい世界観を作り上げていく笹さんと堀江さん。空に抜けるようなメロディーと元気な2人の歌声で客席も笑顔の花が咲き誇ります。

ステージが強いライティングで輝いたかと思えば、ROCK DOWNが登場し、ユニット曲「REVOLUTION」と「ROCK DOWN」を続けて披露。テイストがまったく異なる2曲で、自分たちの成長と新しい境地を堂々と見せつけます。




メンバー全員が熱い想いを胸に抱きながら、最後はTVアニメ『VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION』第13話エンディングテーマ「I can’t stop dancing!」を12人全員で歌い、会場が虹色の輝きに包まれながら本公演は幕を閉じました。

なお、本公演のアーカイブ配信は6月1日(土)まで視聴可能です。ぜひ何度でもVAZZY&ROCK DOWNの熱いパフォーマンスをお楽しみください。

また、今回の「VAZZROCK LIVE 2024」のBlu-ray化も決定! 現在、予約受付中ですので、ぜひこちらもチェックしてください。

1:VAZZY / Fly High

2:ROCK DOWN / Asterism⁂

3:眞宮孝明(CV:新垣樽助)/ Follow Me

4:吉良凰香(CV:小林裕介)/ Blinding lights

5:小野田 翔(CV:菊池幸利)/エフバラード

6:久慈川悠人(CV:長谷川芳明)/ Passion Groove!

7:築 二葉(CV:白井悠介)/シアワセノカタチ

8:築 一紗(CV:山中真尋)/ Escape

9:天羽玲司(CV:佐藤拓也)/ Illusion×Kiss

10:立花 歩(CV:坂 泰斗)/ Stay

11:大山直助(CV:笹 翼)/ Smile again

12:白瀬優馬(CV:堀江 瞬)/ Lucida


14:大黒 岳(CV:増元拓也)/花の誇り

15:眞宮孝明(CV:新垣樽助)、吉良凰香(CV:小林裕介)/ DOGFIGHT

16:天羽玲司(CV:佐藤拓也)、立花 歩(CV:坂 泰斗)/ Go Crazy

17:大山直助(CV:笹 翼)、白瀬優馬(CV:堀江 瞬)/ Hello My Dear





22:VAZZY 、ROCKDOWN/I can’t stop dancing!






【BD】VAZZROCK LIVE 2024 発売決定!





VAZZY:新垣樽助、小林裕介、山中真尋、白井悠介、笹 翼、堀江 瞬

ROCK DOWN:菊池幸利、長谷川芳明、佐藤拓也、坂 泰斗、増元拓也、河本啓佑



◆アニメイト、ステラワース、ツキプロオフィシャルショップ公式通販 共通特典


【Blu-ray】VAZZROCK LIVE 2024 | アニメイト
2024年5月26日(日)開催のツキノ芸能プロダクションがお届けしたライブイベント「VAZZROCK LIVE 2024」のBlu-ray Discが発売決定! 2022年に




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