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“King Auger VS Don Brothers,” “King Auger VS Kyoryuger,” and “King Auger Night” cast members Taisei Sakai, Aoi Watanabe, Manaka Murakami, Yuzuki Hirakawa, and Yoshihisa will be on stage! Looking back at everything from TV series to V-cinemaThe V-Cinext double features “King Auger VS Don Brothers” and “King Auger VS Kyoryuger” are being screened for a limited time from April 26th (Friday). BD & DVD will be released on October 9th (Wednesday).

Anime / Manga

Today, May 8th (Wednesday), a screening event “King Auger Night” with a talk event was held at Shinjuku Wald 9.

The MC will be Ryohei Takahashi (assistant producer of “Osama Sentai King Auger”), and from “Osama Sentai King Auger” will be Taisei Sakai , who plays Gila Hasty/Stag Beetle Auger , and Yanma Gust/Dragonfly Auger. Aoi Watanabe , Manaka Murakami (who plays Himeno Ran/Kamaki Rioger) , Yuzuki Hirakawa ( who plays Rita Kaniska/Papillon Auger) , and Yoshihisa ( who plays Kaguragi Dybowski/Hachi Auger) were on stage.

He looked back on the TV series and expressed his gratitude to the fans who have supported him over the past year.

Yoshihisa, who was suddenly decided to take the stage today, appealed to the audience, saying, “It was an emergency participation, but did anyone believe that I would take the stage? I was able to appear! Thank you very much.”

Immediately, the first question was for the cast to announce their favorite things about “#King Auger’s favorite place” which is gaining popularity on X (formerly Twitter).

Yoshihisa said, I like everything about it, but when I saw the fan's post, (Racles) says to Gira, Stand up, Gira. It’s time to save the universe!” in episode 41, “Time to save the universe.” I cried. I thought I love you,” she commented.

Hirakawa agreed, It's nice that the title comes after that line, isn't it?'' Watanabe responded, It was (MC) Takahashi-san who came up with that subtitle, right? MC Takahashi revealed that he chose the subtitle for episode 41, saying, Episode 4, Tono no Omotenashi,” is Tono no Omotenashi'' in the Kaguragi episode. Watanabe added the story behind the subtitle, saying, He said that he was hit by both the back and the front.”

It was also revealed that Takahashi’s idea for episode 28, “Shuffle Kings!”, was also adopted.

Hirakawa’s favorite thing is that everyone has different motions for “Wang Kai Arming” (in the transformation scene)! I like that they all have different personalities.”

Murakami said, I love how the hair, make-up, costumes, and the staff did everything they could to match the world that had been created (of King Auger), thinking, What if we were going to do this?” ! ”, and continued to comment, “I love Himeno Ran!”, shouting out his love for Himeno, who he played, and received a big round of applause from the venue.

Watanabe said, I like the word 'Kang Kai Armed.' There was an audition, and (screenwriter) Mizuto Takano loudly demonstrated "Wang Kai Buo"! In the main story, there were times when I would say it coolly, but in Theater G Rosso, there were a lot of children, so I played Wang Kai Buso”, which had never been shown in the main story! ” he confessed.

It turns out that Mr. Takano decided to demonstrate “Wang Kai Buo” because Hirakawa, who was also in the audition, did not understand the intonation, so he did it as a sample.

The venue was so excited for “Wang Kai Buo” that the five cast members decided to transform at the same time. MC Takahashi took the place of Masashi Ikeda, who was unable to come on the day of the event, and performed Wang Kai Arms.

Sakai declares that his favorite part is, “The enthusiasm from the cast, staff, and everyone!” It’s unheard of for a V-cinema to have a double feature, but what’s unprecedented for a TV series is TTFC (Toei Special Effects Fan Club), which includes a part that was cut from the main story. There is a compilation of the last three episodes of the series, so please check that out as well. I made an appeal.

The next question was about the character he played and himself, saying, I want to emulate this personality!'' and I’m probably not good at this.”

Yoshihisa commented, “It’s not good to lie even if it’s for the sake of the people.”

Sakai said, When Gira crosses the line, he gets angry. In episode 14, he goes into an evil mode and says to Himeno, She’s so ugly that you can’t believe she’s from this world.” Is it really necessary to say that much? That's what I thought,'' he said, and the cast members around him said, It took a few takes,” and “Taisei Sakai would never say that!”

Hirakawa said, “I want to emulate (Rita’s) Fudo a little bit! If I completely emulated her, I’d end up becoming an uninteresting person, but I want to become an adult woman…”

Yoshihisa continued, “There are actors who are the complete opposite when they’re real, aren’t they?”

Hirakawa laughs and says, “I’ve reached the point of no return,” which is a complete reaction to the immovable character he played for a year, and after the camera cuts, Yoshihisa flaps his arms and legs as a reenactment of Hirakawa. When you take an action that causes

Hirakawa couldn’t help but peck out, saying, “You look just like me!!!”, but continued, “I’ll be turning 23 this year, so I think I’ll shift gears to look like an adult.”

Watanabe commented on what he would like to emulate from Yanma Gust, saying, “He doesn’t interfere with people.I think it’s cool that when he says something, he doesn’t just say it out loud, but shows it through his actions.”




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樋口幸平 別府由来 志田こはく 柊太朗 鈴木浩文 石川雷蔵 宮崎あみさ タカハシシンノスケ


酒井大成 渡辺碧斗 村上愛花 平川結月 佳久 創 池田匡志 川名輪太郎

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10月9日(水)Blu-ray&DVD発売 ※同日レンタル開始

発売:東映ビデオ株式会社 販売:東映株式会社

































※Blu-rayスペック(全種同様) COLOR/本編55分(予定)/2層/1.リニアPCM(ステレオ)2.リニアPCM(5.1ch) 3.リニアPCM(コメンタリー:ステレオ)/16:9【1080p Hi-Def】

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