Nintama Rantaro'' is an anime that was born from the manga
Rakudai Ninja Rantaro” by Sobe Amago, which began serialization in “Asahi Elementary School Newspaper” in 1986, and has been made into a TV series since 1993. Set in the Sengoku period, the story depicts the bright, fun, and cheerful days spent by the ninja eggs “Nintama”, centered around Rantaro, Kirimaru, and Shinbei, while learning at a ninjutsu academy.
Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Team's Strongest Tactician'' is a novel that is highly popular among fans, even though it has been popular in various forms such as TV animation, musicals, and live-action movies. It will be a film adaptation of
Ninja Team: The Strongest Tactician”.
This special video is the first time the main video of this work, which depicts the story of the strongest battle and bond in the history of “Nintama Rantaro”, is unveiled for the first time. In the video, the Tasogaredoki ninjas Kunamon Zawatari and Sonnamon Moroizumi appear in the first year’s class classroom in place of the missing Doi sensei, and the students, including Rantaro, Kirimaru, and Shinbei, appear in the classroom. It starts with a surprised look. As the Ninjutsu Academy is shocked and the search for Doi Sensei progresses, what is the true identity of the man in white who suddenly appears?
At the end of the video, Kirimaru is shown asking Doi-sensei, “Why do you care about me?” During holidays at Ninjutsu Academy, Kirimaru is under the care of Doi Sensei. In one scene in the tenement house where the two of them live, the calm expression on Doi Sensei’s face is impressive. While I was excited by the intro of “Courage 100%,” I was also excited by the serious atmosphere that is different from the usual “Nintama.”
“Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dotake Ninjatai’s Strongest Tactician” will be released nationwide in December 2024. I look forward to further updates in the future.
“Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Team’s Strongest Tactician”
Released in theaters in December
Original work: “Rakudai Ninja Rantaro” Amago Soubei (Published by Asahi Shimbun Publishing)
TV anime series “Nintama Rantaro”
“Novel Rakudai Ninja Rantaro Dokutake Ninja Corps: The Strongest Tactician”
(Original work and illustrations: Amago Soubei / Novel: Kazuhisa Sakaguchi / Asahi Shimbun Publishing)
Director: Masaya Fujimori
Screenplay: Kazuhisa Sakaguchi
Music: Koji Makaino
Character design: Emiko Niiyama
Deputy director: Hiroki Negishi
Art director: Kawaguchi Masaaki
Cinematography: Kojiro Hayashi
Color Design: Eriko Murata
Sound Director: Akira Okuma
Starring: Minami Takayama, Mayumi Tanaka, Sadatomo Ichiryusai, Toshihiko Seki
Animation Production: Ajia-do
Distribution: Shochiku
Production: Nintama Rantaro The Movie Production Committee
(C ) Amago Soubei/Nintama Rantaro the Movie Production Committee