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“Let’s all get better together through karaoke” | Interview after the performance of “LIVE DAM AiR Presents Karaoke Sentai Seiyuu-ger Special Stage” featuring Maeda Rena, Kudo Haruka, and Yamada Takahiro [PR]”Karaoke Sentai Seiyuu-ger” is a live event where popular female voice actors can enjoy the atmosphere of a girls’ night out at karaoke. A special stage was held on Friday, August 30, 2024, at the “Anisama Stargazer Stage” in “Animelo Summer Live 2024 -Stargazer-“!

This time, the event was titled “LIVE DAM AiR Presents Karaoke Sentai Seiyuu-ger Special Stage,” and in addition to “Seiyuu-ger Blue” Maeda Rena, voice actress Kudo Haruka and composer Yamada Takahiro appeared on the Keyaki Hiroba stage. They enthusiastically sang a number of classic and popular songs, livening up the atmosphere. After the stage, we spoke to the three of them, who had just finished their first “Karaoke Sentai Seiyuu-ger” stage in a long time.

–Karaoke Sentai Seiyuu-ger always appears out of nowhere, but what is the appeal of this event?

Reina Maeda (hereinafter, Maeda): It’s an event like a toy box. The performers are always gorgeous, and the songs range from anime songs to J-POP, so you can’t predict what will come out. I think the appeal is that it goes beyond the boundaries of content and adult matters, allowing you to enjoy performances that you don’t usually see.

Also, because we are all members who have such close relationships in our private lives, there are also some mishaps that happen, and one of the charms of “Seiyuu-ger” is that people get to see our true selves throughout the entire stage.

–How do you feel after today’s performance?

Maeda: First of all, I was worried about the typhoon, but I was glad that so many people came to see us. There were people dancing freely at the back of the stage, and I could feel a lot of energy.

Haruka Kudo (hereafter, Kudo): For me, it was my first experience with “Seiyuu-ger” and also with performing on a karaoke stage outdoors in the summer. It was refreshing to see everyone’s happy faces up close, and it was fun singing.

–The audience members seemed to enjoy the performance in their own way, from listening intently to dancing to liven up the stage.

Kudo: Yes, everyone was having fun and feeling free to do whatever they wanted.

Maeda: “Seiyuu-ger” was originally a unit that started as a guerrilla event at Nippon Television’s summer event in 2015. It was also held outdoors back then, so this time around, it feels like we’ve gone back to our roots.

Kudo: That’s right!

–You’ve been doing a lot of indoor stuff recently.

Maeda: That’s right. With all that going on, I think this episode has become a memorable one.

–Yamada not only acted as the MC, but also livened up the stage with his singing.

Takahiro Yamada (hereinafter referred to as Yamada): Thankfully, everyone had a great time. I also had a lot of fun.

–The first song was “Snow halation” composed by Yamada-san. The moment the intro started, everyone was really excited, and in the middle of it, he even said the famous line, “Even if you hate me, don’t hate the song” (laughs).

Yamada: I’m very honored that you all enjoyed it, and that comment was my heartfelt wish (laughs).

Maeda: Yamada-san has been the MC for “Seiyuu-ger” before. Some people were happy to see Yamada-san singing this time.

Yamada: I had been thinking of staying quiet and focusing on MC duties, but this time I felt motivated to step forward. As a result, I was able to enjoy singing with the two of them, which was great.

–What did you think when you heard “Snow halation” sung by Maeda and Kudo?










前田:「secret base~君がくれたもの~」とか夏を感じる曲が多かったですね。いつもはJ-POPやディズニーの曲も歌うんですけど、今回は、私たちが子供の頃に見ていたアニメの主題歌を入れたかったのと、「アニサマ」直前のステージということも相まってアニソンを多めにしました。


前田:でも「声優ジャー」らしさを欠かしたくなかったので、最後に「ultra soul」を入れてみたりもしました。ほかにも「シカ色デイズ」とか最近の曲にも挑戦してみて。




前田:すごい練習をされたんですよね? 途中アレンジを加えられたりしていて(笑)。




ーーへぇ! それなのにバッチリ合っていましたね。








私も、またお声がけいただける日が来るのを楽しみにしています!(笑) 今なら9年前とはまた違ったものができるんじゃないかなと思うので、その際はみなさんと協力して楽しいものを残せたら良いですね。



[取材・文 MoA]

M1 Snow halation

M2 表裏一体

M3 シカ色デイズ (TV Size)

M4 secret base~君がくれたもの~

M5 You&Me

M6 おジャ魔女カーニバル!!

M7 Butter-Fly

M8 ultra soul


作品やジャンルの垣根を越え、人気のアニソンや胸アツなJポップを歌います。今回、声優ジャー特別版としてアニサマStargazerステージに降臨! 熱いスペシャルパフォーマンスを披露します。ご期待ください!!




大阪府出身。2003年から2007年まで、雑誌「Seventeen」の専属モデルを務める。2005年に声優デビュー。TVアニメ『ハチミツとクローバー』花本はぐみ役、『それいけ!アンパンマン』ポッポちゃん役、『うさぎのモフィ』ソラ役など、他多数の作品に出演。2016年から『BanG Dream!(バンドリ!)』Roseliaのギター、氷川紗夜役を担当しライブ活動も展開。


京都府出身。作曲家/音楽プロデューサー/ベーシスト。μ’s「Snow halation」の作曲を始め、最近では寺島拓篤、三森すずこ、ホロライブなど声優・アーティストへの楽曲提供や、アニソンを数多く手掛ける。イベント『カラオケ戦隊声優ジャー』では、MCとして活動。

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