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I was happy to realize that my songs could move someone’s heart – Miyu Tomita’s 2nd album “Violet Bullet” long interview | The experiences and thoughts she put into “Stellar” for which she wrote the lyricsMiyu Tomita will celebrate the 5th anniversary of her debut as an artist in November 2024. Her first full album in about 3 years, “Violet Bullet”, will be released on Wednesday, August 28, 2024!

Animate Times interviewed Tomita just before the album’s release. He talked extensively about the behind-the-scenes story behind the concept of the album, his thoughts on the new songs, and anecdotes from the recording process.

He also reveals the experiences and thoughts he put into his new song “Stellar,” for which he wrote the lyrics.

–Thank you for appearing on [Store Exclusive! Pocket Money Animate] the other day!

Miyu Tomita (hereafter, Tomita): I couldn’t help but laugh when I was reading the article. Like the part where Tomita jogged off to the Kuroko’s Basketball section (laughs).

— It was impressive to see Tomita-san innocently enjoying shopping (laughs). Please come again! Now, your second full album will be released, but do you remember how you felt about your first album, “Prologue”?

Tomita: I felt like I had taken a step up. I was given the opportunity to write lyrics, something I had never done before, and to try new things from scratch. Through this first album, I was able to reaffirm what I’m good at, and I also got a clearer picture of “what I want to do in the future that I wasn’t able to do on the first album.”

–What do you mean by “what you want to do”?

Tomita: Speaking of something we were able to achieve with this album, it would be “comical songs.” It wasn’t something I had in mind originally, but I think it was possible because I tried out a variety of songs (on the first album).

–I see. What made you decide to try your hand at making a “comical song”?

Tomita: I’ve felt this watching various artists and voice actors’ live performances, but comical songs are exciting and the audience can actively participate in the live performance, so it seems like it’s fun. In my previous live performances, I’ve had the audience sing along and get excited, but I didn’t have a song that “wouldn’t be complete without the audience.” I wanted to have one song like that, so I took on the challenge. I think this kind of comical song can only be made on an album, so I took the plunge!

–Indeed, there are some comical songs paired with cool songs…

Tomita: It would be quite a surprise (laughs). That’s why I thought now was the time.

By the way, looking back now, how do you feel about your performance at your first live concert?

Tomita: Until then, I had only ever been on stage with other people, so I was unfamiliar with the situation of being on stage alone. When I watch the video of the first live performance uploaded to Miyu Tomita’s official YouTube channel, I can hear the tension in her voice and expression (laughs). It was the first live performance where I didn’t know what to do, but looking back now, I think it was a good performance in its own way because it was so innocent.

–After your first album and live performances, you are now on to your second album, and production began last year, I hear.

Tomita: Yes. We recorded “Make a New Day” first… We did the pre-production (pre-production: preliminary preparations to improve the efficiency of recording, rough recordings) at the end of last year.

–It seems like you took your time to create this album. How did you decide on the concept for this album?







富田:現時点では「次の着地点」というイメージですね。これから6周年、7周年と活動をする中で3rd アルバムを出せるとなったら、イメージカラーは青になると思います。ただ、現在は青(3rdアルバム)を目標にしていますが、実際にその時を迎えたら「青」も通過点になると思うので、「次は何色にしようかな」と考えるんだと思います。今のところは、「青」を目指していきたいと思っています。



――エモい! 色相環のように一周したりして!

富田:良いですね! とはいえ、今お話しした構想は、勝手に私が決めちゃったものなのですが……(笑)。



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