Ace of Diamond'', which will celebrate its 10th anniversary as an anime series in the fall of 2023, has been broadcast since 2013 based on the manga by Yuji Terashima. The main character, Eijun Sawamura (CV. Ryota Osaka), enters Seido High School, a prestigious high school baseball team, and the baseball team includes Kazuya Miyuki (CV. Takahiro Sakurai), Akira Furuya (CV. Nobunaga Shimazaki), and Haruichi Kominato. This is a work that depicts the story of (CV. Natsuki Hanae) and others aiming for the top of the national high school baseball team. The anime was broadcast as FIRST SEASON and SECOND SEASON, and then, like the original, a new series,
act II”, was broadcast from 2019 to 2020.
In October 2022, the original manga Ace of Diamond act II'' ended its 16-year serialization in
Weekly Shonen Magazine”. An anime sequel to this film, which has reached a grand finale, has long been desired by fans, but the silence has finally been broken. Along with the announcement, Terashima also sent in an illustration to celebrate the decision to produce a sequel.
Although the decision to produce a sequel has been announced, other information about the TV anime “Ace of Diamond act II” remains a mystery. Let’s look back at the previous seasons on each video distribution platform and look forward to the next report.
■TV anime “Ace of Diamond act II” now
available on various video distribution platforms
■Original information Original
work: Yuji Terashima
Serialization: Weekly Shonen Magazine (published by Kodansha)
◆“Ace of Diamond” All 47 volumes on sale at Kodansha Comics
◆ “ Ace of Diamond act II” All 34 volumes on sale at Kodansha Comics
(C) Yuji Terashima/Kodansha/“Ace of Diamond act II” Production Committee/TV Tokyo
(C) Yuji Terashima/Kodansha